Metta: The Buddhist Meditation Technique

Day 5

Gratitude: I’m noticing that it’s getting easier and easier to find new and more things to be grateful for each day.  I could easily make this entire post about things I’m grateful for but I’ll keep it simple:

1) Sunshine!  I traveled to my hometown, Windsor this morning with my awesome friends 🙂  We drove right  through a snowstorm and into pure sunshine and cloudless blue skies in Windsor.  Although temperatures are now dropping anyway, I’m still super grateful to feel the sun’s rays on my body today.

2) Naps:  Had a long nap today…had two actually.  This may explain why it is now 2am and I’m wide awake…oops.  But I still enjoyed them.

Meditation + Yoga:  The weekend disk combines meditation and yoga in one.  THIS WAS THE COOLEST CLASS EVER!!!!!  I don’t see how anyone could finish this class without feeling immense love and joy for yourself and the whole world!  Metta is a Buddhist meditation technique that Eoin lead us through today.  Some people call it Loving Kindness Meditation.

The goal is to generate love and happiness for:

1) Ourselves

2) A Spiritual Leader (someone who represents the qualities of love and kindness)

3) Someone close to us (loved one, family member, friend)

4) A Neutral Person (you know their name, maybe buy your groceries from them, you don’t know much about them, but if you probe yourself there is a deep wish for them to be happy)

5) A Confrontational person (someone you don’t tend to get along with)

6) All Beings Everywhere.

With each inhale during sun salutation, you say the following things:

“May I/they be filled with love and kindness”; “May I/they be well”;  “May I/they be peaceful and at ease”;  “May I/they be happy”;  “Om”

This is probably the shortest class you could do all week.  29-minutes is apparently all you need to feel intense joy, happiness, and definitely love.

Food Awareness:  Tonight I had a Scerbian feast and ate some wild game for what was likely the first time in my life.  I’m pretty certain I satisfied any potential protein deficiencies I may have been having.  The food was delicious and was certainly a 9 on the Pranameter scale!  I gotta say, those Scerbians know how to party…and eat!

Unfortunately I forgot to pack a memory card in my camera on my little trip to Windsor, so I have no fun pictures to post for you from the class today.  But here’s a little stick person I drew that I thought you might enjoy.  It reflects what I sometimes fear might happen in these yoga practices…

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